For questions regarding payments, please call 952-896-3271 or email
To pay online with a credit card or eCheck, please click here. You will need an invoice number and matter number which can be found on your invoice. If you do not have your invoice and matter number available, you may select “I don’t know my Invoice/Matter Number.”
If you received a reminder statement, the invoice and matter number will be found in this area.
After you entered your invoice and matter number, the next screen will show you all your outstanding invoices. Select any additional invoices you wish to pay and the amount.
eCheck payments are limited to $10,000.00 per transaction. For larger payments we can offer an ACH withdrawal. To process a payment via ACH withdrawal from your checking or savings account, please call 952-896-3244.
Please note that a 2.5% surcharge will be added to all credit card payments. No surcharge fee will be applied for debit cards or eCheck payments.
Pay by Check:
Larkin Hoffman Public Affairs, Inc.
8300 Norman Center Dr. Suite 1000
Minneapolis, MN 55437-1060
ACH/Wire Payments:
BMO Bank N.A.
111 W. Monroe Street
Chicago, IL 60603
ABA #071000288
Swift Code: HATRUS44
Account #3207396